Deers Nellis Afb - Due to limited supply, the new military ID card will not be issued to replace the indefinite-term ID cards until further notice.
Onsite appointments are now available Monday through Friday, 0800-1100. People are scheduled based on the priority of their application. Please see The MPF DEERS priority poster below for more details.
Deers Nellis Afb
For now, we ask customers to contact us via email. Please allow up to two business days for a response.
Red Deer St, Las Vegas, Nv 89143
Retirements & Separations: Retentions: Officer & Enlisted Promotions: Customer Service: 99FSS . Passports: Force Management (Evals/SDAP/Duty Status/UIF & Adverse Actions, etc.): 99FSS.FSPM.ForceManagement@us . DEERS ID Office:
1. All members are required to attend the first assignment update every Tuesday at 1000 in building 20, room 319. Members will be scheduled once you receive the initial assignment email from us (approximately 8 days after your first notification of your CC ). Once visited, the virtual out-processing checklist will be loaded.
2. To schedule your final appointment, email all processing documents per PCS booklet and all Personnel Processing Codes (PPCs) received in the original assignment email to .mil . Once all processing documents have been reviewed, the final appointment will be scheduled. Final departures take place on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday between 0900 - 1100 and 1300 - 1500.
Customers also have 24/7 access to many personal self-service actions through Virtual Military Personal Flight. The Total Force Service Center (TFSC) is also available to answer questions. TFSC can be reached at 1-800-525-0102 (toll-free and available 24 hours a day, except July 4th, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's), DSN 665-5000 (available 24 hours on day for active duty ), or DSN 926-6528 (available 4:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Eastern Time for Guard and Reserve members).
W Running Deer Ave Unit 1, Las Vegas, Nv 89145
Nellis 99th Force Support Squadron Marketing © 2022. This is an unofficial Department of Defense (DoD) website. Only DoD cardholders may use these services unless otherwise noted. The hyperlinks and information contained do not constitute an endorsement by the Department of Defense. No federal sponsor or advertiser support is intended. For website assistance, please contact webmaster@.
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